Family formation

Family formation - a study of knowledge and interventions in the family field.

Many families in today's Denmark are pressured by a busy schedule that has to accommodate both an exiting work and family life and leave room for individual needs and interests. For many families the challenges take up so much space that family life dissolves.

In the report "En Familie Dannes" we study family formation in Denmark to learn more about the challenges that Danish families are faced with. Family is important for both children and parent's mental health but also for society as it relies on resilient families. Family formation is therefore an area of great priority both from an individual, health and societal perspective.

Mindhood Professor, Carsten Obel and Postdoc, Lena Hohwü contributed to the report as part of Mindhood's collaboration with Center for Collaborative Health, Aarhus University, and presented its conclusions during the seminar "Det Moderne Familieliv".

Download the report here

Read more about the seminar here

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