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Data der skaber værdi, nye ”dimser” og borgerinddragelse var blandt temaerne, da 16 partnere fra offentlige og private organisationer var samlet til…
Komiteen for Sundhedsoplysning og Socialstyrelsen inviterer i samarbejde med Center for Sundhedssarbejde til konference om, hvad robusthed er, og…
Mindhood PhD Kathrine Bang Madsen takes part in the 12th Annual Psychiatry Research Day with the presentation Depression-related distortions in…
The pathway to an ADHD diagnosis - Exploring the influence of factors at the structural, community, family and child level
Mindhood PhD Susanne Hvolgaard Mikkelsen is interviewed about her research on pregnant women, coffee intake, and ADHD behavior in offspring.
Der var fuldt hus på Dokk1, da Center for Sundhedssamarbejde den 14. marts 2017 inviterede fagfolk og familier til Dokk1 for at diskutere…
Mindhood PhD Kathrine Bang Madsen has won the international Young Scientist Award.
Maria Keilow has joined the Mindhood team as our new PhD student. Maria's research will address ADHD from a social interaction perspective
The association between environmental factors early in life and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood
The next workshop will focus on IT-innovation to support the mental health of children and adolescents.
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Prof. Brain and Behavioural Medicine