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The impact cases show how the work of Mindhood has an actual impact on mental health in society. Based on our work, qualified programs and instruments have come to life, designed to support the real life work with mental health.
Developing better health solutions for the citizens by combining data from the health system with new health data from smartphones and wearables.
Mapping mental health in Danish Schools.
The Resilience Program is a highly flexible web based low-cost intervention program designed to support the development of resilience in vulnerable children, adolescents and families.
The research project use the new app COronaVIDen to collect activity data from smartphones, smartwatches and fitnessbands as well as questionnaire data from citizens. The research aim to generate new knowledge about the development of Covid-19 and its impact on the infected citizens. (Website in danish)
The project ”Models of Child Health Appraised” (MOCHA) will examine and appraise the differing models of child health used in 30 European countries.
Ungeprofilundersøgelsen - The Youth Profile Study, is an electronic questionnaire containing questions about: well-being, health, crime, drugs, education-, leisure- and work-life.
In Denmark an increasing number of school children with relational difficulties involving developmental disabilities are to be included in mainstream classrooms in the future.
This project aim to rethink research communication about mental health, data and the use of technology using podcasts, multimedia exibitions and computer gaming in close collaboration and co-creation with young people. (website in danish)
A study of knowledge and interventions in the family field.
Mindhood has expertise in and experience with counseling municipalities in measuring mental health, and we have profound knowledge about the use of the questionnaire SDQ.
Knowledge about mental health in the areas of children and adolescents, family and elderly.