The Youth Profile Study

Ungeprofilundersøgelsen - The Youth Profile Study, is an electronic questionnaire containing questions about: well-being, health, crime, drugs, education-, leisure- and work-life.

From the knowledge the study gives the municipalities, targeted interventions can be set up where needed.

Who is the study about?
The Youth Profile Study contains two studies:

  1. for students from grades 7, 8 and 9.
  2. for secondary educations or generally in the municipalities for all in the age group 15-30 years

The Youth Profile Study is developed to:

  1. Provide fast and detailed answers on current well-being and the level of risk behavior in the individual school year on each school.
  2. Limit the amount of studies by doing one study on the youths in Denmark
  3. Collect knowledge and experience country-wide to the benefit of all the country's municipalities

The questionnaire is answered electronically on Ungeprofilen. The Youth Profile Study is completed in 2017 as an anonymous survey. It will not be possible to track individual responses, as names and personal ID-numbers are not saved.

Mindhood Professor, Carsten Obel is a partner in Ungeprofilundersøgelsen - The Youth Profile Study, and Mindhood Data Manager Katrine Svendsen manages the data and offers data-support to who runs the study.

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