Master's theses

Mindhood researchers act as supervisors on master's thesis within our area of expertise. If you find an interesting project, click the title for full abstract. If you would like to contact one of the students about their project, please contact Mindhood and we will forward your enquiry.

Public Health Science / MHSc

Mobning blandt danske børn med ADHD og betydningen af forældres uddannelsesniveau. Et prospektivt kohortestudie.  Sanne Slipsager Mogensen 

Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen

Familiefunktion, peer-relationer og lærerstøttes betydning for oplevet self-efficacy. Et tværssnitsstudie blandt unge, danske skoleelever i et mentalt sundhedsfremmende og sygdomsforebyggende perspektiv. 

Helene Kni Rasmussen 

Vigdis Ryggshamar Olesen 

Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen

Bully-Victims' Mental Health Problems in Adolescents in Nordic Countries: The Impact on Daily Life. Magnus Kirketerp Krusell  

Carsten Obel 

Lena Hohwü
Separation mellem forældrene og barnets trivsel i skolen (Public Health Science)Line Lund Laursen 

Carsten Obel 

Lena Hohwü
Differences in parent and teacher report of ADHD symptoms depending on the child’s country of origin: Implication for differences in diagnosis - a quantitative study from Denmark (Public Health Science) Armin Sahuric

Carsten Obel

Oleguer P. Ripoll


Social trivsel og ADHD. En determinantanalyse og et tværsnitsstudie af trivslen hos børn og unge med ADHD-symptomer (Public Health Science) Astrid Fyrstenborg

Carsten Obel

Kathrine Bang

En sammenligning af den Nationale Trivselsmåling og the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Public Health Science) Maria Vandborg Sneftrup

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
Sammenligning af mental børnesundhed mellem landene Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Island (Public Health Science) Lykkelisa Garding

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
Early-life stressors’ long-term effects on mental health among Danish children aged 10-14 (Public Health Science) Rasmus Bræmer

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
En kvantitativ undersøgelse af hvad der karakteriserer de børn, hvor der ikke er sammenhæng mellem SDQ-score og diagnosen ADHD (Public Health Science) Mette Holmelin Ravn

Carsten Obel

Kathrine Bang
Er nedsat mental sundhed associeret med problematisk skolefravær blandt 11-12-årige børn i Danmark? (Health Science MHSc) Anne Aggerholm Jønsson

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü 
End of Cohabitation during Pregnancy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in 11-year Old Offspring Lisbeth Lund 

Carsten Obel 

Lena Hohwü

ADHD behavior and overweight in Danish children and adolescents (Health Science MHSc)Katrine Svendsen  

Carsten Obel 

Lena Hohwü

Infant Child Care and Mental Health in Danish Children Aged 10-­12 (Health Science MHSc) Sidsel Lindberg

Carsten Obel

Susanne Mikkelsen

Kathrine Bang 

Medical Science

The impact of COVID-19 on mental health in children and adolescents Sara Zilke Madsen Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
Study of digital health interventions that support the management of pediatric obesity Mats Fleron Letoft  Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
Pre-pregnancy weight status as a cause of increased risk of developing ADHD in the child  Emilia Kornum Hundebøll Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
Is there an association between divorce and childhood obesity? Maria Frøkjær Petersen Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
Cannabis and psychoses Christian Kodal Breinholt Carsten Obel2019
The Impact of Medical Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on Educational Achievements  Line Langberg Balsby Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
Physical violence and suicide risk in the transgender population Nanna Leach Glintborg Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
The influence of childhood overweight/obesity on mental health during adolescence  Maria Stisen Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
Parenting styles and childhood obesity Camilla Reimer Albæk Jakobsen Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen
Parental and offspring’s physical activity Hanan Abed Carsten Obel 

Katrine Svendsen

The effect of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing in the treatment of PTSD among refugee children Tanja Ovchinnikova 

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Does Disordered Sleeo Affect the Association between Pediatric Obesity and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptomatology? Klaudia Nyrup Kristensen 

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

The effect of ADHD treatment on obesity outcome Mia Gaardsholt Jensen Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Mental health in children of parents with cancer Sophie Zederkof Steger Ovesen Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Systematic review on the efficacy of Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation for ADHD symptoms Luanna Uchoa Karvig  Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Maternal depression and rating of children’s ADHD symptoms Pil Brylle Baltzarsen Carsten Obel2018
Childhood obesity; The association between socioeconomic status and childhood overweight and obesity Chrishanthi Rajkumar 

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Systematic review of child abuse and its effect on development of depression or anxiety Elisabeth Bøgelund Ravn Carsten Obel2018
Health-Related Quality of Life in Childhood Long-Term AcuteAnne Linnea Simonsen Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Identification of children and adolescents at risk of developing Prolonged Grief Disorder Birgit Dandanell Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Is there an association between anxiety in childhood and adolescence, and the development of other psychiatric disorders in adulthood? Ditte Carina Brøgger Flyvholm 

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Potential beneficial effect of prescribed stimulant medication on risk of substance use in ADHD patients.  Sara Krogsgaard Simonsen Carsten Obel2018
The effect of stimulant treatment on the risk of substance use disorder among patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Louise Jakobsen 

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Maternal bereavement during pregnancy as a cause of mental disorders in children (medical science)Karen Marie Egsgaard  

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Therapy treatments for anorexia nervosa in adolescents – Comparing Family-based treatment with Multi-family therapy (medical science)Mark Kristensen 

Carsten Obel

Troels Græsholt-Knudsen

Implementation of mindfullness based techniques in the treatment of patients with generalized anxiety disorder; can it be recommended? (medical science)Phillip Brink Carsten Obel2018
The use of telemedicine in treatment of psychiatric disorders – the applications and implications (medical science)Mathias Balle Lauridsen  Carsten Obel2017
The importance of adolescent sleep – A risk factor for depression? (medical science)Nima Nourbakhsh Carsten Obel2017
Examination of the efficacy of smartphone interventions in the support of adults with depression (medical science)Nils Mygind Lysgaard Carsten Obel2017
A literature review evaluating the impact of parental socioeconomic status when diagnosing ADHD in children. (medical science)Sandra Tolstrup Kulmbak 

Carsten Obel 

Kathrine Bang Madsen

Reporting of severe adverse effects to the HPV vaccine and psychiatric morbidity – a literature study (medical science)

Anne Lundby Ernst  

Sarah Maria Thornhøj

Carsten Obel2017
Psykisk sundhed ved flygtningebørn som kommer til Skandinavien – en oversigt. (Medical Science) Helene Rasmussen

Carsten Obel

Kathrine Bang Madsen
How can primary care professionals play a role in first recognising Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? (Medical Science) Caroline Lindholm Pedersen

Carsten Obel

Kathrine Bang Madsen
Comorbid medical disorders in children and adolescents with ADHD (Medical Science) Jakob Schmidt

Carsten Obel

Susanne Mikkelsen
Microbiome og eksponeringsfaktorer (Medical Science) Kristoffer Mølgaard

Carsten Obel

Susanne Mikkelsen
Kommer børn med ADHD oftere til lægen, fordi de ikke diagnosticeres korrekt ved første henvendelse hos egen læge? Og kan ADHD dermed diagnosticeres hurtigere? (Medical Science) Sofie Holm-Christensen

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Iron status in a population of Danish children and adolescents with overweight or obesity. (Medical Science)

Mia Østergaard Johansen

Carsten Obel
Jens-Christian Holm

Børn i familier med alvorlig syge forældre eller søskende og deres risiko for senere i livet at få nedsat mental helbred, herunder PTSD, angst og depression (Medical Science) Sabina Clausen

Carsten Obel

Litteraturgennemgang af de sundhedsskadelige effekter af brugen af snus (snuff) (Medical Science) Karoline Durucz Carsten Obel 2017
Overvægt hos børn i forbindelse med skilsmisse (Medical Science) Mona Hauge Andreassen Carsten Obel 2017
(Medical Science) Mette Mønster Carsten Obel 2017
(Medical Science) Narges Sadati Carsten Obel 2017
How do we get the MMR vaccination coverage increased and spread a positive attitude towards having children vaccinated? (Medical Science) Anne Louise Hartvig Skalborg

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü 
Anorexia nervosa – early identification and intervention in primary care setting. Does it have an effect? (Medical Science) Stina Borg Jensen

Carsten Obel

Katrine Svendsen

Lena Hohwü

Long term growth in children and adolescents conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (Medical Science)

Astrid Møller Winding

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü

Bjørn Bay
The multidisciplinary approach in treating obesity among preschool and school children (Medical Science) Katja Rasmussen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü 
A Review of the Effect of Patient Self-Testing and Self-Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy with Vitamin-K antagonists (Medical Science) Søren Lolk Jørgensen Jensen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
Hvilken betydning har terapeutvejledning i web-baserede interventioner mod depression? (Medical Science) Anne G. Skougaard

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü 
Family structure and the development of overweight or obesity in childhood (Medical Science) Helene Hørløck Karstensen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
Childhood obesity. Viability of parent-only interventions as treatment method of childhood obesity: A systematic review (Medical Science) Mads Harbo Kristensen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
Developing an electronic maternity record in Denmark (Medical Science) Rasmus Jensen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
Is there a correlation between maternal stress during pregnancy and ADHD in the child? (Medical Science) Jonas Ljunggren

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
A review of the effect of prenatal alcohol exposure on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and related symptoms (Medical Science) Soran Peshbahar

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü

Har rygning under graviditeten betydning for udvikling af ADHD? (Medical Science)

Julie Neerup Jensen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü

Jiang Zhu
Do children of divorced families have a poorer mental health than children from intact families - effectiveness of interventions to promote mental child health in divorced families (Medical Science) Maja Valdeland Normann

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
The impact of family structure following divorce on mental child health (Medical Science) Katrine Bach Graversen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü
Understanding the association between a high maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and ADHD-behaviour in the offspring (Medical Science) Sigrid Mathilde Andersen

Carsten Obel

Susanne Mikkelsen
Do children of divorced families have a poorer mental health than children from intact families: the impact of parental conflict (Medical Science)

Cathrine Skou Nørgaard

Diana Brøgger Jensen

Carsten Obel

Lena Hohwü